Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy birthday Polarz! & Horntail Update 25/2/12

First of all, a very happy birthday to Polarz! May all your wishes come true and all the best for the road ahead.

Yuufa(esther) has informed that she will be starting university soon and won't be able to maple for the long term. We also wish her all the best in her new school life and do come back to visit us once in a while ^^. Hilary has also informed earlier that she will only be back in March.

Updates and attendance of the Horntail batch :

Attendance and drops for the 4 runs as follows:

Attendance: goldenaxx,xlisted, xpe4ceful, mariosan, ljslwhy, martellblue, polarz, nongk1a,lvonexis, dualbladeexe, cutesweetieo,zelphelthexi, o0edw1no0,ex3ception,cutekitty(1st and 2nd),vvjingjingvv.lvonexis,sky(using 0oggo0)

Died/without revive:

Absent: malai

DC: sky(1st rd)

Egged: zelphel, chuan and jing
Drops for 1st round: Ht egged neck(2line), dragon mace(104), battle hammer(97)(pot), golden smith hammer (103), dragon flame(105) ,dragon khanzir(98) and dragon shiner bow(98)

Drops for 2nd round: dragon khanzir (97), golden smith hammer(101), tomahawk(99) and dark neschere(96)

Drops for 3rd round: dragon claymore(107)(pot), dimon wand (116), dragon kreda(102), dragon chellbird(106), emperor claw(78), dragon staff(127), dragon axe(104) and dragon mace (104)

Drops for 4th round: shiner cross xbow, gold nisrock, goldden double knife, battle axe, king cent, chellbird, beheader and dragon khanzir.

Attendance and drops for the 4 runs as follows:

Attendance: goldenaxx,xlisted, xpe4ceful, mariosan, ljslwhy, martellblue(3rd and 4th batch), polarz, nongk1a,lvonexis, dualbladeexe, cutesweetieo,zelphelthexi, o0edw1no0,ex3ception,cutekitty(1st and 2nd),vvjingjingvv.

Died/without revive:

Absent: sky,cutegirl

DC: Jing(1st rd)

Drops for 1st round: Ht egged neck(3line), dimon wand, faltizan(103), reverse scroll

Drops for 2nd round: beholder, blood dagger

Drops for 3rd round: dragon flame, dark nisrock

Drops for 4th round: shiner cross xbow, gold nisrock, goldden double knife, battle axe, king cent, chellbird, beheader and dragon khanzir.

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