Sunday, February 19, 2012

Horntail Update 18/02/2012

First of all, thanks to Spasa who has passed on the time slot from 10pm to 1am for our guild batch. Nice 4 runs we had and on the average I would say we still have some reasonable drops. Most importantly, it was nice to have a good turn out of nearly 100% attendance. We welcome Cutekitty who can only join us for the first 2 batches due to her commitments with another batch.

Attendance and drops for the 4 runs as follows:

Attendance: goldenaxx,xlisted, xpe4ceful, mariosan, ljslwhy, martellblue(3rd and 4th batch), polarz, nongk1a,lvonexis, dualbladeexe, cutesweetieo,zelphelthexi, o0edw1no0,ex3ception,cutekitty(1st and 2nd),vvjingjingvv.

Died/without revive:

Absent: sky,cutegirl

DC: Jing(1st rd)

Drops for 1st round: Ht egged neck(3line), dimon wand, faltizan(103), reverse scroll

Drops for 2nd round: beholder, blood dagger

Drops for 3rd round: dragon flame, dark nisrock

Drops for 4th round: shiner cross xbow, gold nisrock, goldden double knife, battle axe, king cent, chellbird, beheader and dragon khanzir.

All the best for school or work in the coming week and see everyone again on Tuesday Czak. Members who have not submitted request for czak helm queue, pls do so asap. Thank you..

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